Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Repliction - A pop-up print exhibition

The next art exhibition at Diana Fairbank's Oly Pop-UYp Gallery is a print show called Replication. Featured artists will be Lois Beck, Teri Bevelacqua and Faith Hagenhofer.

Lois Beck

Lois Beck came late to making art. After taking various community college courses for 30 years, she decided she wanted a degree, which she completed in 1996 with a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities. During her last quarter at The Evergreen State College, she took her first art class - printmaking.
She says, “My artwork explores the many fascinating processes of printmaking with my current focus being monoprint. My prints include woodcuts, etchings, linocuts, solar plates and rubber blocks as well as monoprints, with each technique producing a different result. Recently, I have become interested in collage and combining collage with my prints is producing exciting results.
“Creating art and making abstracts with color and motion bring me much wonder and satisfaction. Often I use several layers of ink and multiple passes through the press to achieve my nature abstracts. It is my hope that viewers of my work enjoy a private dialog with what they are seeing.”
Teri Bevelacqua
“I tend to react to the world around me and build my paintings from a universally personal journey. My painted collages are layers of images that play off of each other and mood. The images are like memories you think you have neatly tucked away; they emerge and fade in the strangest ways. Natural landscapes, urban landscapes and our man-made mess inspire me. Similar to riparian zones, zones between these places are fragile lines. The fragile lines also exist throughout our days as too many of us walk around this planet together. I find inspiration in those fragile lines in our physical world, our social world and the challenges we all face as we question the way we treat each other and our home planet.”
Faith Hagenhofer
Faith Hagenhofer has been a print maker for 35 years, working with linoleum block prints and almost exclusively in reduction. The pop-up show will offer a lot from her back catalog (mostly from the 1990's) and a few brand-new pieces! Her studio is in Tenino and she happily takes students to the craft, and visitors by appointment.
About the Show
This show spans the range of modern printmaking because:
Printmakers in our time are not constrained by the need to produce editions because any artwork can be reproduced digitally. So, prints and printed material tend to be conceived and worked as stand-alone productions much like paintings or mixed-media work. This gives printmakers the freedom to mix materials and different printmaking techniques while taking advantage of the surface quality and traditional vocabulary of printmaking.
4-8 p.m. Feb. 21-29 and March 1. Reception 6-8 p.m. Feb. 29

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