Thursday, January 31, 2008

Don Juan in Chicago

I don't get review every play I'd like to. My column in The News Tribune allows me to review one play a week and no more. It's a great gig because I get to see a lot of theater, and most of what I get to see is really good.

Every once in awhile a play comes along that cries out to be promoted as much as possible, but because of prior commitments or schedule conflicts I am unable to review it. Such is the case with "Don Juan in Chicago" at the Midnight Sun. I haven't seen it yet, but I intend to, and I urge all of my readers to see it as well -- this based on a brief synopsis and the cast list, which includes some of my favorite actors in the Olympia area.

I received this note in an e-mail from Elizabeth Lord: "Hey everybody I am in a play again, and this one if sooooo good. It's funny, clever, AND sexual. What more could you want?"

And from the director, Keith Eisner: "I'm directing 'Don Juan in Chicago' at the Midnight Sun. I love this play. And I've been blessed with a terrific cast and crew. Here's the dope:

"The title character is cursed by getting what he asks for: immortality and unlimited sex. He cuts a deal with the devil that lets him live forever as long as he seduces a different woman a day. He makes the deal as a blushing, naive virgin in 1599. Fast forward to modern day Chicago, and the Don and his earthy servant, Leporello, are sick and weary of the whole deal. But the world keeps banging at his door and all hell breaks loose."

The show runs for three weeks, dates listed below.

Don Juan in Chicago
by David Ives
Directed by Keith Eisner

Featuring Tim Goebel, Dennis Rolly, Ingrid Pharris, Christian Carvajal, Elizabeth Lord, Erik Cornelius, Cass Murphy, and Chris Cantrell.

February 7,8,9,14,15,16,17,21,22,23, 2008
Showtime: 8:00 PM
The Midnight Sun Performance Space 113 N. Columbia Street in downtown Olympia
Tickets: $7 - $15 (on a sliding scale- pay more if you can, less if you can't) or purchase online and reserve yourself a seat go to:

[Adult humor and language, maybe not for kids under 15]


  1. Hey Alex, I just went and saw it last night, I'll tell you this much, my cheeks hurt when I left the show. Everyone did a bang up job and Ingrid, well, I just can't get enough of her. Get over there and see it soon because I think word of mouth will sell it out.....Jenny Macc

  2. That was a play? I was so wrapped up in it I thought it was real......Tanya Grading
